Just been for a run in Verona Italy of all places. Gorgeous. Had this wild epiphany blasting along the Adige river in the moonlight. I had planned 13 miles total: 6.5m in one direction and 6.5m back.
Here’s some context before the insight:
First, at the macro level, as you may know, I've been marathon training. November 8th in Istanbul - the magic happens. Target, 3 hours (ouch) and to get up to speed the men’s health 16 week programme has provided structure to enable regular progress. I’ve followed it 80% well and the only area which has been weak has been recovery. I try not to rest, the TYNF list requires daily dedication. Though I'll take four weeks before the race off to taper.
Second, at the micro-level, this week’s running has been brutal - three 9 mile days with one mammoth speed fest in the middle along the stunning lake garda. Also a stupidly long bike ride right in the middle of the day (killer sun) + tons of pull ups. Yesterday, about 500 feet of elevation jogging around trying to get some life back into the legs. Then today I got up early and killed the whole list in the morning before it got hot. Thereafter, I spent 5 hours walking, exploring Verona & squeezed in a nap after some music/meditating. Then BOOM, go time:
- Hamstrings Tight, Went too Fast to Start, Breathing Rhythm is Horrendous - 1 mile
- Itching across my back and legs, mosquito bites and chafing, what a combo - 2 miles
- Stomach going crazy, WHAT DID I EAT, blister in left foot throbbing painful - 3 miles
- Wind is strong against me, pace is brutal, downhill now means uphill later - 4 miles
- Knees not happy, Blocked Nose forces Mouth breathing, So much Sweat - 5 miles
6:40 per mile average so far, just under my marathon pace and it has been tough to say the least. Moreover, Google maps said I’d have at least 8 miles of road in one direction before turning around. In reality the streetlights end here (5 miles in) & I must turn back. Merde.
Suddenly, from nowhere, my breathing calms down. I can no longer feel the blister. All the itching stops and my heart/body basically stabilises. We’re here for the long haul kid, better get comfortable. Perhaps it’s the idea that every step now is another step closer to home and the finish line. Perhaps it’s the notion that you should always finish strong and dig deep. Anyway I cannot explain it but a new raft of thoughts flood the mind:
- “The value of a company is the sum of the problems you solve” Martin Lorentzon, Co-founder of Spotify. (Damn i’ve already overcome alot of problems) - 6th mile
- David Goggins: “Remember all the times in the past you conquered your demons, they were harder than this. You are a savage” - 7th & 8th mile
- “Perception is reality” - somehow it feels like I am running downhill again (how is this possible if it felt like i was running downhill on the way here??). The wind feels like it is against me but that is impossible. What is Subjective, What is Objective? 9th mile
- Quantum Theory: Observation Affects Reality. I keep thinking about the observer effect and try to will my mind to perceive this as easy - fat chance - 10th mile
- Despite all this magic, my average is slowing to 6:50 a mile. I stop at 11 miles.
The mind is an odd and wonderful place.