Just finished coding the first version of the TYNF website! Upon review I realise I haven’t referenced mental goals in ages so time to bring them sharply back into focus for November:
● A blog encapsulating the magic in the podcasts I enjoy (4/12 completed)
● A blog reflecting on the majesty, complexity and joy of sport (0/12 completed)
● A blog cataloging my exploits learning/performing open mic comedy (0/6 completed)
● A blog reflecting on the learning stages of my professional career (2/6 completed)
● First draft of my debut fiction novel: The Book of Ages (2/20 chapters completed!)
● Start a Music Youtube Channel & release quality content regularly (8/50 completed!)
● Start a Sports podcast + release quality content regularly (0/50 episodes completed)
Wow, a complete and utter raspberry here. Have been totally focused on physical (running mostly) to be honest. (Un)Fortunately I've picked up a nasty calf injury so now have plenty of time to catch up on these mental goals. I am very confident I can catch up on the blog writing, with the help of some talented editors now on the team. Videography and content for Youtube should be fine. Main issues will be the podcast and the novel.
I’d like to parlay TYNF into a wider set of values/skills. An incredible mentor suggested that the list taps into three qualities crucial in realising potential: Judgement, Drive and Influence.
- Analytical Rigour: finding optimal alternatives/solutions to opportunities/problems using a thorough approach. Curious/questioning people who identify/prioritise issues in a situation, whilst taking temporal/empirical data into account, epitomise this. Those concerned with the here/now will miss key facts/data & sub-optimally perform.
- Spotting Issues: identifying potential opportunities/problems ahead of time by scanning the environment on an on-going basis and noticing change. Also, avoiding getting sucked into the day to day which makes you oblivious to wider trends/data.
- Framing: generating new perspectives for understanding situations engenders a more creative approach. This entails creating frameworks to structure thinking, interpreting situations in novel ways & clarifying complexities without oversimplifying. Useful actions - challenge assumptions, first principles thinking & imagination.
- Balanced Decision Making: moving between decisiveness and reflection with the flexibility to change position based on changing evidence (strong views, weakly held). Pragmatism and considering implications matter when choosing to act.
Drive is easier to conceptualise. Seeking to have (broad) impact, personal initiative, and self assurance are key. Bouncing back from setbacks, responding to feedback with confidence and realism, as well as taking accountability for the consequences of actions all count! As does the relentless pursuit of goals with a wider scope than just personal achievement.
Influence is self awareness (objectivity around strengths/weaknesses), ability to work in different contexts (team dynamics) and having a range of interpersonal skills cementing persuasiveness and credibility. Charisma whilst being able to manage conflict constructively and patiently achieve goals through people determine one’s level of influence!
As the year comes to a close i’ll be looking for ways to tie this taxonomy in to the work.
