End of the year!
First and foremost, a smattering of articles and interviews oozed out of me left and right for VerticalCrypto Art and HifiLabs covering everything from leading women in the Web3 space to digital alternatives to touring for musicians. And to top it all off, I've finished a debut collection of poetry set to be released in 2023. Lets go!
I’ve been slacking on running, but moderately active across a range of sports, including squash (Robbins actually beat me ffs), climbing with Dave and Aspi, plus even getting tennis coaching from Michael. Started getting back into running in December after a month-long break.
I missed a lot of commitments this month due to a combination of poor planning, illness, and what i’m dubbing seasonal affective disorder. I didn't make it to Sandy's run, Sarah's launch of Kin, most of the World Cup matches (e.g. with Kemble and Schaffer), Hugo's birthday, Rachel's soiree (which the band was meant to play at), the Crossgate reunion dinner, a ton of Farcelona football games, and Phoebe's Xmas party.
Surprisingly I did manage to play a gig at the Finsbury pub with Jaz on sax and Charlie on drums: Millie, Basak, and my mother even came to watch. I also attended a dinner organized by Tom Morgan with the boyz, watched an sizzler boxing match Pete won with Rob & Gill, and even filmed a music video with Matt Page. I was embarrassingly late for Ells and Simon's wedding, due to train strikes and my terrible responsiveness to alarms the taxi bill was not cheap, good fun though! Ruined me.
2023, new year's resolutions.
1. Expand income streams from 3 to 5.
2. Write 100 more articles/poems
3. Write and record another music album
4. Stop using spreadsheets, build an app and use that instead, deadline end of Jan!!
5. Run a marathon in 1hr15m and full in 3hr 🔥
6. Stopping boozing fully again for a year (start feb ?)
If I actually deliver on number 4 then this will be my last post here.
Took a break from the sheet in December to learn how to app build via an incredible accelerator called Founders University led by Jason Calacanis (damn it 2am - 4am London Time compulsory sessions on a Monday are a killer). Planning to steamline alot, really pleased to be working with a performance coach to help keep me accountable. I’ve fallen behind a bit on tutoring goals and hours, that will be a focus from February onwards (once app launched).
Time to build!